Detailed information of 420+ leading Chinese smelters at your fingertips!
*For marketing purposes only, not for sale or unauthorised distribution in Mainland China.
SMM presents to you for FREE, the exclusive Distribution of Chinese Smelters which showcases the smelters in China’s non-ferrous metals industry.
The distribution map (dimension: 1160mm x 800 mm) is specially designed and drawn to indicate the location and essential information of 420+ leading Chinese smelters from the new energy, copper, aluminium, nickel, lead, zinc, cobalt and tin industry.
Forecast: China's base metals output and capacity coverage 2020
(Updated July 2020)
Source: SMM
China's base metals forecasted output 2020
(Updated July 2020)
Source: SMM
To request a FREE copy* of the Distribution of Chinese Smelters, please fill in the request form at
*Please include delivery cost of USD 100 to all locations
For queries, please contact William Gu at
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